
2016-05-01来源:高中外语组 人气:

作者:高中各班 | 责任编辑:TianF










指导老师:蔡 敏 卓丽萍

导  演:张禾苗 贾轶婷 陈红茜 黎学然

     瞿玥颖 张毅航

演  员:汪琳琳 毛雨晴 唐于倩 周心悦

     荣星宇 闻祖耀



When Andrea first sets foot in the plush Manhattan offices of Runway she knows nothing. She’s never heard of the world’s most fashionable magazine , or its feared and fawned-over editor, Miranda Priestly.

Soon she knows way too much.

She knows it’s a sacking offence to wear less than a three-inch heel to work .She knows that eight stone is fat .She knows you must never leave your desk ,or let Miranda ‘s coffee get cold.

That at 3 am, when your boyfriend’s dumping you because you’re always working , if Miranda phones with her latest unreasonable demand, you jump.

But is this all going to be worthy in the end?



节目名称:12 ANGRY MEN

指导教师:曾晓敏 樊玉婷

主  创:章征驰 曾芸枫

演  员:王林峰 宋文锴 杨 潇 皮敏涵

     廖紫屹 章征驰 张昊然 王思渝

     张彦斌 郭一霖


“12 Angry Men” revolves around the murder trial of a Latino boy who is accused of killing his father. The conviction of the boy would mean a death sentence and the destiny of the boy's life is in the hands of the twelve jurors of ranging personalities. The case seems open and shut with a murder weapon and several witnesses to place the boy at the scene of the crime. Guilty or not guilty? As the plot goes on, it will reveal the truth……



节目名称:Christmas Carol圣诞欢歌

指导教师:陈利民 杨云皓

主  创:罗亚妮 邓 纹

演  员:陶 烁 魏嘉杰 朱星宇 胡艺榉

简 丹 巫易锋 胡馨月 甘 迪

姚彦如 罗诗琪 吴依霖 张颖雪


后  勤:殷 越 赵 爽


Scrooge is a sharp,clever, mean old man. His life was filled with cold, lonely, darkness, he had no friends, no pets, no families at all, his bitter words always hurt people around him. On Christmas eve, his business partner’s ghost, Marly, who died seven years ago,visited him and warned him to stop to do so, Marly took him to the past, current and future, at last, Scrooge became kind,helpful and positive.





指导老师:卓莉萍 陈利民

主  创:金美珠 刘柯欣 李蔓琪 张洁滢

演  员:李蔓琪 宋斯平 陈志杰 董阳

颜宸 张元浩 唐立 袁石雨

海  报:唐潇玥




As an old saying goes, “Better the devil you know”. However, we human-beings are living in a rapidly changing world. From now on, watch out for yourself for god’s sake!

Psychopaths, doctors and deaths. Three elements comes together, it’s time to be thrilled.

This is a story of killing. This is a story about humanity. Dig in and you’ll learn.

Remember, if you do as I said, you’ll get what you want.


节目名称:WHICH BOTTLE ? 《命运的抉择》

指导教师: 马 驰,杨云皓

主  创:管异彤,曹梁姝妍

演  员:陈怡安,何忠泽,谢陈堃,王翔雨,



This is the first case that Sherlock and Watson take since they lived together. On the same day of October 12th , three serial suicides happened in London. A man, a youth, and a woman were all killed with the same poison. And they’ve been all found in the place that they had no reason to be. None of them had shown any prior indication.

    “There is a good bottle and a bad bottle on the table .you take the pill form the good bottle ,You live or you die.......I won’t cheat. It’s your choice. And then. Together......”






指导教师:郭 玲 张 露

主  创:刘一磷 李奕涵

演  员:兰 婷 范屹果 周欣怡 李奕涵

刘一磷 秦子雨 唐乙平 刘易鑫

彭 丹 蒋安阳 钟 健 杨镇印

The Godfather

《The Godfather》is a story about American underground gangsters.

   The main character Don Vito Colione is monopolize the olive oil business in America.He also has a place in politics.In order to get the hegemony in New York,Don Colione got five shots.He secretly cultivate his youngest son,Michael.Then fight back,killed all his enemies.







指导老师:蔡 敏  樊玉婷

主  创:罗婧仪 况逸帆 王梦扬 陈治寰

田巧儿 何佳欣 田 雨 文 雯

李 清 李 丹

海  报:郑函旖 赵希文

演  员:江晨希 周 玥 余 旋 白琪阳

陈怡瑾 汤 燕 罗浩益 袁 露

王 翀 古冰蕊




<And Then There Were None>is a story talking about humanity. Witnessing the constant death of the people, we can deeply feel how desperate when facing death and survival. And at the end of the story, all of them have paid the price for their sins.

This poster whose major elements consist of green and dark colors, which shows the frailties of life and human nature vividly. Meanwhile, this is the core of the whole story.


节目名称:And Then There Were None

指导教师:马 驰 马 轶

主创人员:毕婉玲 王若竹

演  员:黄佳圆 张芷嘉 张泰然 刘阳姝
     陈思逾 欧 毅 罗玉莹 黄汉立
     刘 仪 张昀娜





A mysterious island, a villa, a piece of poem, ten little puppets...

Ten people came to a mysterious island because of an anonymous letter.

What truth is going to be revealed? Who is the criminal? Who is telling a lie? Who is the man in the black cloak? Can they struggle to live on in the face of the death? Whether the confession can save them or not? Who will survive in the competition between evil and justice?


指导老师:陶 伟,吴亦霞

演出人员:Aphrodite万星宏 Athena 董卢璐

Hera 向秋瞳 Eris 杨玉凤

Apollo 曾力 Zues 何跻桥 Paris 滕菲

On the Olympus mountain where gods lived, Pelues and Thetis was holding a wedding. Every god was invited except for Eris. She came to the wedding eventually, and brought a rare golden apple as a gift for the fairest of the fair. Hera, the goddess of the women, Athena,the goddess of war, and Aphrodite, the goddess of love desire and beauty, argued about the golden apple in order to become the fairest of the fair. At last, Aphrodite got the golden apple, but Troy was ruined.


Director:唐蕴嫣  李紫怡

Main roles:Romeo(刘溢棋)   Juliet(王瑶)

The nurse(李金庭)  Juliet's mother(范芮宁)

Juliet's father(陈裕雷)   Paris(廖胤杰) 

Teacher:吴祖亮  吴亦霞


  Modern Romeo and Juliet meet each other at a party and they fall in love at first sight. They begin to think back their previous life- the famous story " Romeo and Juliet".

  In the old story, Romeo and Juliet belonged to two hostile families- Montague and Capulet. So under no circumstances would they be allowed to get married, no matter how much they loved each other. In that case, Romeo killed Juliet cousin and Juliet had no choice but to drink poison which made her sleep for two days. Unfortunately, Romeo had the faintest clue about that ,and he thought Juliet was dead, so he killed himself.  The next morning, Juliet woke up and found Romeo dead. With great grief, she killed herself to accompany her love. A loved couple were gone with the wind.

  But this time, Romeo and Juliet are going to keep away from their miserable destiny. They will make their new ending happy and satisfying. Romeo and Juliet will live together until the end of their lives.



指导老师:陈 翥 栗 明

主创人员:张易轩 唐渝筱 金芙蓉






It is a story about soldiers.

    At 6:33 on June 6th, 1944, 3 million soldiers sailed across the English Channel to Normandy.

On July 18th, 1944.To expand the beachhead further, English troops in KA marched on to southeast, German troops changed their strategies and took offence in echelon, tanks were highly used. They responded with force and eventually, the English troops were greatly defeated and they lost 150 tanks, their attack had to halt.

At last, Ryan went back to his home town, but the captain miller, a line of people failed to return to their homeland alive. They used their lives to explain that, what a soldier, what the mission is.



葛朗台Grandet ----胡逸舟

葛朗台太太Madame Madame Grandet----任燕蝶





神父the priest-----杨小阳

指导老师:陈 欢 陈 翥

The story The Miser is set in the town of Saumur. Eugénie's father Grandet is a former cooper who has become wealthy through both business ventures and inheritance. However, he is very miserly, and he, his wife, daughter and their servant Nanon live in a run-down old house which he is too miserly to repair.


指导老师:栗 明 陈 欢


Harry potter: 罗哈得  Malfoy: 熊梓樾 

Professor: 田昊宇   Voldemort: 向书林

Uncle: 王鑫    Aunt: 张芮晗

 Harry Potter dosen’t know anything about magic until 11. Before that ,he lives with miserable Dursleys.But then a mysterious letter arrives:a letter with an invitation to an incredible place called Hogwards.Harry lives a happy life here ,he finds out not only friends, fly sports on broomsticks called Quiddich,but magic in everything from classes to meals. But soon he finds himself being hunted by someone killed his parents.Harry will have a great destiny that’s been waiting for him….If he can survive the encounter.


指导老师:谢 瑶 肖 潇

主创人员:丁 也 李岱玲 胡裕婷


(Mr. Keating)刘柏璨  (校长)袁仁善

(Neil’s father)刘昊鑫(Neil)陈德一

(Neil’s mother)李凝瑷(Student)廖爱琪

(students)蒲一丹 李丽雯 曾靖淳 刘莹 邓雨迪 陈隆 黄俊钦 王聿令恒

周涵冰 孙亿航

威尔顿学院以凝重的教学风格闻名,而文学老师John Keating 的到来如同一阵春风。他带领学生反思生的意义,提倡自由发散式的思维哲学,引起了学生强烈的共鸣。就在Mr. Keating离开前,学生纷纷站上了课桌,喊出了心底的不舍,难过: “Oh,Captain,my captain!”


指导教师:郭戈力 谢 瑶

导  演:维 瑜 李天一 杨朝钧 黄海洋

演  员:

狄米崔斯(赵朗)   莱赛德(王泽闻)

赫米娅(熊力漫)    海伦娜(李子灵犀)

派克(古馨)       仙王(刘皓汶)

仙后(赵珍)        小精灵(李雅致)





演出人员:爱丽丝:封雨岢 红心皇后:吕婧思 红心骑士:张力文 疯帽子:杨尚霖

白皇后:黄亲 炸脖龙:赵炳森 兔子:蒋芷若 老鼠:徐子怡

贵族:张思琪,丁舒 侍卫:陈付琦,曾纪钦,付棵,庞善思,向鸿泽,李景南

Alice have always been plagued by the same nightmare, until a party she attended at the age of 20. At this time, living in the world of good people are looking forward to her, but she thought it was a dream, only to wake up quickly back to the real world. However, after understanding the Mad Hatter, Alice knows the underground world is in "the Red Queen" bloody rule, in accordance with the "Almanac" prophecy, only she can help the "White Queen" over the "Queen of hearts", let the underground world return to peace and quiet......


指导老师:陶 伟 肖 潇

导  演:郭瑶玲 夏 昕

主演:李心月 饰演 Liz    陈晨    饰演 Chris

   岳雪阳 饰演 Mom    王楚翘  饰演 Victoria

   秦华   饰演 Lisa   刘乙伶  饰演 Assistant

   杨尚融 饰演 Dad    

   李佶典 李含芮 刘童瑶 高雅 饰演 interview

   魏一炫  黄燕琳 李傲 卢含 饰演 Police

Hello, I am Liz Murray. I am a girl born in the ghetto. Both my parents are drug addicts and one of them has gone because of AIDS. I became homeless. But none of it has stopped my steps going forward. I earned a 95 average, and finished the top of class of 150. I completed the 4-years of high school in 2.

I want to stand beside people, not be so far beneath them. I wanna go to Harvard and become very developed, read all the best books. Someone has doubted if I just went crazy because I used my every potential to do that. I slept in the subway and ate out of dumpsters in order to be one inch closer to my dream school. I was forced to look forward. I had to... there was no going back.


指导教师:吴祖亮 郭戈力

演出人员:Jane:周艳妮   Mr Rochester:张刚政

Servant 1:陈秋宇  Servant 2:陈艾宁  John :彭时创  Girls:郑诗凡 郝悦 杨之羽

Mr Brocklehurst:王雨濠  Teacher 1:王旭颜  Teacher 2:袁郁茹  Students:王心媛 李源 ---

Helen:余香吟  Mrs Ingram:倪佳月  Miss Blanche:陈姝羽

Mrs Ingram’s daughters:熊雨辰 周芯羽 谢羽晗  Adele:杨扬  Leah:张翰文


Life is tough for Jane Eyre. Raised in her aunt Mrs Reed’s family, Jane is always bullied by the family members. After entering Loward School, everybody is cruel to her except Helen, who died later because of illness. But no matter how hard life is for her, she never gives up. Instead she is always trying her best to win equality not only in personality but also in her pursuit of love with Mr. Rochester. Even though she was born humble and suffered a lot of scorns, she finally obtained her happiness with her strong will.